At Gazprom Petrol stations we offer you two classes of high-quality fuel: Euro Premium BMB 95 and Euro BMB 98.

Benzina Premium
Benzina Premium is designed for both the new generation of vehicles, as well as older cars. Its main advantage is that it provides faster engine start-up and better throttle response.
In comparison with Benzina 95, Benzina Premium offers higher octane value of fuel which gives engine more power, increases its efficiency and improves engine operation.
The advanatges of using Benzina Premium
- Increased octane value
- Better car performance
- Reduced combustion time
- Higher efficiency
- More stable engine operation
- More power and better engine flexibility
Benzina Premium is the result of Gazprom's efforts to introduce a fuel that would be the perfect fit for the new generation of vehicles with turbochargers and more powerful engines.
Octane value
Octane value defines petrol quality and determines the resistance of a certain petrol type to detonation combustion. It is important to remember that higher octane number means better resistance.
Higher octane number value
- Decreases detonation combustion
- Preserves engine’s operating parts
- Prolongs engine’s operating life cycle
- Decreases fuel consumption
- Decreases emission of polluting gases
- Increases engine power
Benzina 95
Benzina 95 is high quality fuel which is completely in accordance with the European standard EN 228.
What makes this fuel special is its optimally balanced composition with low sulphur content (less than 10 ppm), which yields many benefits and makes it very convenient to use.
Positive effect on engine operation
- Better combustion abilities, uniform combustion in standard engines and no engine vibration, optimal fuel consumption
- Engine runs in less corrosive environment, resulting in the preservation of catalyst lifetime, prolonged oil change period, reducing the amount of sediment in the cylinder as a by-product of combustion.
Protection of the environment
- Usage of this fuel reduces emissions of harmful exhaust produced by combustion and therefore reduces the greenhouse effect.
- Thanks to complete elimination of lead and low sulfur content (up to 10 ppm), it contributes to a significant reduction of harmful gas emissions into the environment, primarily sulfur oxides.